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Hunting Liability Release

Hunting Liability Release

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


This Hunting Liability Release ("Release") is a legally binding document between the undersigned Participant ("Hunter") and the Property Owner ("Owner"), which governs the use of private property located at [YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS] for the purpose of hunting activities. By signing this Release, the Hunter acknowledges the inherent risks involved in hunting and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with such activities. This Release serves to protect the Owner from any legal claims related to injuries, accidents, or damages that may occur during the hunting experience.

Release of Liability

  1. Hunting Location:
    The Hunter agrees that the hunting activity will take place on the property located at:

  2. Assumption of Risk:
    The Hunter acknowledges that hunting involves the use of firearms, sharp tools, interaction with wildlife, and other hazardous activities that carry significant risk of injury, including but not limited to, gunshot wounds, falls, animal attacks, and equipment malfunctions. The Hunter voluntarily accepts these risks.

  3. Waiver of Claims:
    In consideration of being permitted to hunt on the Owner’s property, the Hunter agrees to release and discharge the Owner, [YOUR NAME], and [YOUR COMPANY NAME], from any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of action arising from or in connection with the hunting activity, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

  4. Medical Treatment:
    The Hunter grants permission for emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or accident and assumes responsibility for all medical costs incurred as a result of such treatment. The Owner is not responsible for providing or covering medical services.

  5. Damage to Property:
    The Hunter agrees to exercise caution and care while on the Owner’s property. The Hunter accepts full responsibility for any damages to property, livestock, or equipment caused during the hunting activity.

  6. Indemnification:
    The Hunter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, [YOUR COMPANY NAME], its agents, employees, or representatives, from any claims, lawsuits, or liabilities related to the Hunter's participation in the hunting activity.

  7. Compliance with Laws:
    The Hunter agrees to abide by all local, state, and federal laws regarding hunting, including obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, and using firearms responsibly and legally.

  8. Dates and Hours of Access:
    Hunting is permitted on the following dates and times only:

    From October 1, 2050 to October 15, 2050
    Hours: 5:00 AM to 7:00 PM

  9. Termination of Permission:
    The Owner reserves the right to revoke permission for hunting at any time for any reason, including but not limited to, violation of terms in this Release or unsafe behavior by the Hunter.

Hunter's Information

Full Name

Date of Birth

Contact Number

Email Address

Hunting License Number

Alice Sandoval

January 15, 2010

(214) 345-6789

[email protected]


Bradley Jenkins

June 20, 1998

(512) 234-5678

[email protected]


Charlotte Carson

November 3, 1985

(832) 987-6543

[email protected]


David Harper

August 12, 1972

(469) 765-4321

[email protected]


Emily Hamilton

May 25, 2005

(713) 456-7890

[email protected]



By signing below, the Hunter confirms that they have read and fully understand this Release of Liability and voluntarily agree to be bound by its terms.

Printed Name: Alice Sandoval
Date: October 1, 2050

Printed Name: [YOUR NAME]
Date: October 1, 2050

Contact Information for the Owner




  • Email: [YOUR EMAIL]



This Release is effective as of October 1, 2050 and will remain in effect for the duration of the permitted hunting period.

Release of Liability Templates @