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Legal Power of Attorney

Legal Power of Attorney

This Power of Attorney is made on this [Day] of [Month], [Year].

I. The Principal

I, [Your Full Name], residing at [Your Address], hereby appoint [Agent’s Full Name], residing at [Agent’s Address], as my true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact (hereinafter referred to as "Agent"), to act in my name, place, and stead in any way which I myself could do if I were personally present.

II. Grant of Authority

I hereby grant my Agent the following powers, which shall be exercised as my Agent deems necessary and appropriate:

1. General Authority

  • To manage, sell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise deal with all real and personal property owned by me.

  • To open, maintain, operate, or close any bank or other financial accounts.

  • To deposit, withdraw, or transfer funds from any bank or other financial accounts.

  • To enter into any contracts or agreements in my name.

  • To file, pay, or contest any tax obligations on my behalf.

2. Financial Transactions

  • To borrow money, create debts, and pledge or mortgage my assets as security.

  • To manage and settle any of my financial obligations, debts, or liabilities.

3. Real Estate Transactions

  • To buy, sell, lease, or manage any real estate property, including negotiating terms and signing all necessary documents.

4. Business Interests

  • To exercise any rights I may have with respect to any business interests, including voting, selling, or transferring shares or interests.

5. Legal Matters

  • To engage in, intervene in, or take any legal action on my behalf, including the hiring of legal counsel and settlement of disputes.

6. Personal Affairs

  • To make decisions related to my personal care, medical treatment, and healthcare decisions, including consenting or refusing treatment, accessing medical records, and making end-of-life decisions.

III. Special Instructions

  • Exclusion of Certain Powers

    • My Agent is specifically prohibited from selling or transferring ownership of any real estate property located at [Property Address] without my explicit written consent.

  • Healthcare Decisions

    • My Agent is granted authority to make healthcare decisions only if two licensed physicians certify that I am unable to make such decisions myself. This includes decisions regarding surgery, medication, and other medical treatments. The Agent is required to consult with my primary care physician before making any significant healthcare decisions.

  • Financial Transactions

    • My Agent is not authorized to create or modify any financial instruments, including but not limited to trusts, wills, or any other estate planning documents, unless specifically directed by me in writing.

IV. Duration and Revocation

This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately and shall remain in effect until:

  • a. My written revocation.

  • b. My death.

  • c. The completion of any specified tasks as mentioned in Special Instructions.

I reserve the right to revoke this Power of Attorney at any time by providing written notice to my Agent.

V. Reliance on Third Parties

Third parties may rely on the representation of my Agent regarding all matters connected with any power granted to my Agent. No person who may act in reliance upon the representations of my Agent shall incur any liability to me for permitting my Agent to exercise any power prior to actual knowledge that this Power of Attorney has been revoked or terminated by operation of law or otherwise.

VI. Indemnity

I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless any third party who accepts and acts under this Power of Attorney.

VII. Governing Law

This Power of Attorney is governed by the laws of the State of [State], and it is my intention that it be construed as a general power of attorney.

VIII. Severability

If any part of this Power of Attorney is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts shall remain in full force and effect.

IX. Signature and Acknowledgement

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the date first written above.

Printed Name: [Your Full Name]

Date: [Date]

Agent's Acknowledgement

I, [Agent’s Full Name], hereby acknowledge my appointment as Attorney-in-Fact for [Your Full Name] under this Power of Attorney and agree to act in accordance with its terms.

Printed Name: [Agent’s Full Name]

Date: [Date]

State of [State]

County of [County]

On this [Day] of [Month], [Year], before me, the undersigned, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Notary Public Printed Name: [Notary’s Full Name]

My Commission Expires: [Date]


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