Free Scrum User Story Template
Scrum User Story
I. Title:
Advanced Search Filters
II. User Story Description:
As a regular user of the e-commerce platform, I want to have advanced search filters that allow me to sort products by price, brand, and customer ratings, so that I can easily find items that match my preferences without sifting through irrelevant results.
III. Acceptance Criteria:
Price Range Filter:
Users can set minimum and maximum price ranges to narrow down search results.
The displayed products should update in real-time based on the selected price range.
Brand Filter:
Users can select one or more brands from a list to filter search results.
Only products from the selected brands should be displayed.
Customer Ratings Filter:
Users can filter products by customer ratings (e.g., 4 stars and above).
The search results should reflect the selected rating filter.
Responsive Design:
Filters must work seamlessly across all devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Search results should be updated within 2 seconds after any filter is applied.
IV. Priority:
V. Estimated Effort:
8 story points
VI. Notes:
Ensure that the search filters integrate smoothly with the existing search system.
Consider edge cases, such as when no products match the selected filters.
VII. Epic Link:
Search Functionality Enhancements
VIII.Story ID: