Free Printable User Story Template



Free Printable User Story Template

Printable User Story

I. Title:

Sprint Planning - Prioritize and Assign Tasks

II. User Role:

As a Product Owner,

Goal/Action: I want to prioritize user stories and assign tasks to team members during sprint planning meetings,

Benefit/Reason: so that we can ensure that the most valuable and achievable features are developed in the upcoming sprint.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. User stories are prioritized based on business value, team capacity, and dependencies.

  2. All tasks related to the selected user stories are assigned to appropriate team members.

  3. A sprint backlog is created and agreed upon by the team.

  4. Team members understand their responsibilities and deliverables for the sprint.

  5. The sprint goals are clearly defined and communicated to all stakeholders.



IV. Story Points/Estimate:

8 Story Points

V. Notes/Additional Details:

  • Dependencies: Ensure that any prerequisite user stories or tasks are completed before the sprint begins.

  • Tools: The team will use Jira and physical story cards during the sprint planning meeting.

  • Sprint Duration: The sprint will last for two weeks, starting on September 1, 2050, and ending on September 15, 2050.

  • Team Capacity: Consider holidays and planned leaves when estimating the team's capacity for the sprint.

VI. Owner:

[YOUR NAME] (Product Owner)

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