Free User Story for Project Management Template



Free User Story for Project Management Template

User Story for Project Management

I. Title:

User Profile Customization

II. User:

As a registered user, I want to be able to customize my profile settings, so that I can personalize my user experience and manage my preferences effectively.

III. Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Profile Information Section:

    • Users must be able to update their display name, email address, and profile picture.

    • Changes should be saved and reflected immediately upon submission.

  2. Notification Preferences:

    • Users should be able to select their preferred notification channels (e.g., email, SMS, in-app notifications).

    • Users must have the option to turn notifications on or off for specific events (e.g., new messages, system updates).

  3. Privacy Settings:

    • Users should have the ability to control who can view their profile information (e.g., public, friends, only me).

    • Privacy settings must be adjustable at any time and changes should be applied instantly.

  4. Language and Time Zone:

    • Users should be able to set their preferred language and time zone.

    • The system should display content and timestamps according to the user's settings.

  5. User Interface:

    • The profile customization interface should be intuitive and user-friendly.

    • Clear instructions and tooltips should be provided to assist users in making changes.

IV. Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that all changes are logged for security and user support purposes.

  • The feature should be compatible with both web and mobile versions of the application.

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