Free Software Engineering User Story Template



Free Software Engineering User Story Template

Software Engineering User Story

I. Title:

Enhanced Search Functionality

II. User Role:

As a user or customer of the platform

III. Goal/Feature:

I want to be able to search for items quickly and accurately, with improved filtering options and relevance in the results. This will allow me to find the information I need without unnecessary time spent scrolling or adjusting the query.

IV. Benefit:

Be able to filter search results in the product catalog by multiple criteria such as price range, brand, rating, and availability, so that I can quickly find the products that best meet my needs without having to sift through irrelevant items.

V. Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Filter Options:

    • Users can filter search results by price range (e.g., $50 - $200).

    • Users can filter by brand with a multi-select dropdown.

    • Users can filter by customer ratings (e.g., 4 stars and above).

    • Users can filter by product availability (e.g., "In Stock" only).

  2. User Interface:

    • Filter options are prominently displayed on the left sidebar of the search results page.

    • The number of results that match each filter criterion is displayed next to the filter option (e.g., "Brand A (120)").

  3. Performance:

    • Applying multiple filters should not increase page load time by more than 2 seconds.

    • The filtered results should be dynamically updated as filters are selected or deselected.

  4. Mobile Compatibility:

    • Filter functionality must be fully operational on mobile devices, with a responsive design that adjusts filter options for smaller screens.

  5. Error Handling:

    • If no products match the selected filters, the system should display a friendly message, "No products found. Please adjust your filters."

  6. Analytics Tracking:

    • Track and log the most frequently used filters for data analysis.

VI. Story Points or Estimation:

8 Story Points

VII. Priority:


VIII. Notes:

The feature should be compatible with the existing search functionality.

  • Consider adding an option to save filter preferences for logged-in users.

  • The feature should be implemented and tested by Q3 2051, in line with the upcoming major release.

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