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Legal Complaint Form

Legal Complaint Form

Case No.:





          I. Introduction

          This court has authority under[State Code] since the incidents related to the complaint happened in[County]. The case is appropriately venued in this court because the cause of action took place in[County], and both parties live within the court's jurisdiction.

          II. Statement of Facts

          On[Date], the Plaintiff and Defendant entered into a written contract for the sale of goods. The Defendant failed to deliver the goods as agreed.


          1. The Defendant breached the contract by not delivering the goods.

          2. The Plaintiff made multiple requests for delivery, which were ignored.

          3. As a result, the Plaintiff suffered financial losses amounting to[Amount].

          III. Legal Claims

          Cause of Action

            Statutory or Case Law References

              IV. Request for Relief

              Relief Requested

              1. Plaintiff requests monetary damages totaling to compensate for the financial loss incurred due to the Defendant’s breach of contract.

              2. Plaintiff seeks pre-judgment and post-judgment interest at the legal rate from the date of the breach until payment is made.

              3. Plaintiff also requests that the court award any other relief deemed just and equitable, including legal fees and costs associated with bringing this action.

              V. Verification and Signature

              I, [Your Name], declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this complaint is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. This verification is made in accordance with[State Code]. I understand that false statements made in this document may result in legal penalties.


              VI. Exhibits and Attachments

              Supporting Documents

              Any relevant documents or evidence.

                VII. Certificate of Service

                I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this complaint was served upon the Defendant,[Defendant's Name], via certified mail with return receipt requested on[Date]. The return receipt, signed by the Defendant, is attached as proof of service. Additionally, a copy of the complaint was also delivered to the Defendant’s address by personal service on the same date.

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