Free UX Design User Story Template



Free UX Design User Story Template

UX Design User Story

I. Title:

As an individual utilizing the Recipe App, I desire an improved and more powerful search functionality. This enhancement is crucial for me as it will enable me to efficiently and swiftly locate various recipes. Specifically, I would like to be able to search for recipes by inputting the ingredients I have available, specifying the amount of time I have for cooking, and considering any dietary restrictions I might need to adhere to.

II. Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Search by Ingredients: Users can enter multiple ingredients into the search bar. The app should display recipes that include all or most of the specified ingredients.

  2. Filter by Cooking Time: Users can set a maximum cooking time, and the app will show recipes that can be prepared within that time frame.

  3. Dietary Restrictions: Users can select dietary restrictions (e.g., gluten-free, vegan) from a list of checkboxes, and the app will filter recipes accordingly.

  4. Search Results Sorting: Users can sort search results by relevance, preparation time, or user ratings.

  5. Autocompletion: The search bar provides autocompletion suggestions as users type, including popular ingredients and recipe names.

  6. Error Handling: If no recipes match the search criteria, users are shown a friendly message suggesting adjustments or additional keywords.

III. Context/Scenario:

When a user opens the Recipe App in 2050, they are looking for new dinner ideas that fit specific dietary preferences and can be prepared quickly. They type ingredients into the search bar, select a maximum cooking time, and check dietary restrictions. The enhanced search functionality helps them find the perfect recipes that meet all their criteria.

IV. Notes:

  • Ensure the search algorithm is optimized for speed and relevance.

  • Incorporate machine learning to improve search accuracy based on user interactions and feedback.

  • Consider accessibility features, such as voice search and screen reader compatibility.