Free Use Case for eTicketing Template



Free Use Case for eTicketing Template

Use Case for eTicketing

Prepared by: [Your Name]

1. Overview

The eTicketing System enables users to purchase tickets for various events online. This use case outlines the interaction between the user and the system to complete the ticket purchase process.

2. Actors

  • User: The person who wants to purchase a ticket.

  • eTicketing System: The system that facilitates the ticket purchasing process.

  • Payment Gateway: The external system used to process payments.

3. Preconditions

  • The user must have internet access.

  • The event must be available on the eTicketing System.

  • The user must possess a valid payment method.

4. Postconditions

  • The user receives an electronic ticket via email.

  • The user's payment is confirmed and processed.

5. Main Flow



System Response


User navigates to the eTicketing System website.

System displays the homepage with a list of available events.


User selects an event.

System displays event details and available tickets.


User selects the number of tickets and ticket type.

System updates the total price and displays the purchase summary.


User clicks on "Purchase Tickets" button.

System redirects to the payment page.


User enters payment details and confirms payment.

System processes payment through the Payment Gateway and displays a confirmation page.


User receives a confirmation email with the electronic ticket.

System sends an email with the eTicket and purchase details.

6. Alternative Flows

Payment Failure: If the payment fails, the system will display an error message and provide options to retry the payment or choose a different payment method.

7. Exceptions

  • Event Sold Out: If the event is sold out, the system will notify the user and suggest other available events.

  • Invalid Payment Details: If the payment details are invalid, the system will prompt the user to re-enter the correct information.

8. Assumptions

  • The system assumes that the user has a valid email address to receive the eTicket.

  • The system assumes that the Payment Gateway is operational.

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