Free Casual Use Case Layout Template



Free Casual Use Case Layout Template

Casual Use Case

Created by: [Your Name]

I. Scenario:

It’s a casual Friday at the office, and you’ve just taken a photo of a small team celebration. You want to share this photo with your colleagues using the office’s internal messaging app while you’re grabbing a coffee in the break room.

II. Actors:

  • Primary Actor: User (You, an employee)

  • Secondary Actor: Colleagues (Recipients of the photo)

III. Preconditions:

  • The user has the office’s internal messaging app installed on their mobile device or computer.

  • The user is logged into their account on the app.

  • The user has a stable internet connection.

  • The user has a photo of the team celebration ready to be shared.

IV. Basic Flow:

  1. Open App:

    • The user opens the internal messaging app on their device.

  2. Access Messaging Interface:

    • The user navigates to the messaging or file-sharing interface within the app.

  3. Select Photo:

    • The user taps on the “Attach” or “Upload” button and selects the photo of the team celebration from their gallery or file system.

  4. Add Description (Optional):

    • The app allows the user to add a description or caption to the photo.

    • The user types a caption like “Great team effort at today’s celebration! 🎉”

  5. Choose Recipients:

    • The app presents options to share the photo with specific individuals or groups.

    • The user selects a relevant group, such as the “Team” or “Office Events” group, or specific colleagues.

  6. Send Photo:

    • The user taps the “Send” or “Share” button to send the photo to the selected recipients.

  7. Confirmation:

    • The app displays a confirmation message or visual indicator that the photo has been successfully shared.

V. Postconditions:

  • The selected colleagues or group members receive a notification or see the photo in their message feed.

  • The photo is visible in the relevant chat or group thread.

VI. Alternative Flows:

Network Issues:

  • If the user experiences a poor internet connection, the app may display an error message and prompt the user to try sending the photo again later.

No Groups or Contacts:

  • If the user has not set up any groups or contacts in the app, the app might prompt the user to create a group or add contacts before sharing the photo.

VII. Exceptions:

File Size Limitation:

  • If the photo exceeds the app’s file size limit, the user may receive a message prompting them to either compress the photo or select a different one.

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