Aesthetic Procedure Documentation
Procedure Documentation
Procedure Name: Employee Onboarding
Procedure Number: HR-001
Effective Date: January 1, 2055
Reviewed Date: September 1, 2054
Version: 1.0
Prepared by: [Your Name], [Your Title]
1. Purpose
To ensure a smooth and consistent onboarding process for new employees within [Your Company Name], providing them with the necessary resources, information, and support to integrate successfully into the company.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to all new employees joining the company, including full-time, part-time, and temporary staff.
3. Responsibilities
HR Department: Initiates and oversees the onboarding process, provides orientation materials, and conducts initial training.
Hiring Manager: Facilitates departmental orientation and assigns a mentor to the new employee.
IT Department: Sets up necessary equipment and access for the new employee.
4. Definitions
Onboarding: The process of integrating a new employee into the company and its culture.
Orientation: An introduction to the company’s policies, procedures, and values.
5. Procedure
Pre-Onboarding Preparation:
HR sends a welcome email to the new employee with start date and first-day instructions.
IT sets up workstations and necessary software, including email accounts and access permissions.
Hiring Manager prepares a schedule for the first week, including meetings with key team members.
First Day:
HR conducts a formal orientation session, covering company policies, benefits, and compliance training.
The new employee receives necessary equipment and is introduced to their workspace.
Hiring Manager introduces the new employee to their team and assigns a mentor.
First Week:
The new employee participates in departmental training sessions and begins initial tasks.
Regular check-ins are held with HR and the Hiring Manager to address any issues or questions.
The mentor provides guidance and support, helping the new employee acclimate to their role.
First 30 Days:
HR conducts a follow-up meeting to gather feedback and assess the onboarding experience.
The Hiring Manager evaluates the new employee’s progress and provides performance feedback.
The mentor continues to offer support and answer any remaining questions.
After 90 days, HR conducts a final review of the onboarding process and provides a report on the new employee’s integration and performance.
Any necessary adjustments to the onboarding process are made based on feedback and observations.
6. References
Company Employee Handbook
IT Access Policy
Training Manual
7. Attachments
New Employee Welcome Packet
First Day Schedule Template
Onboarding Checklist