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Discord Moderator Application Form

Discord Moderator Application Form

Please fill out this form completely to ensure your application is considered.


    Discord ID


        Have you moderated on Discord or other platforms before?

        If yes, please describe your experience in detail:

          Why do you believe you would be a good fit for our moderation team?

          Moderation Scenarios

          User spams. What do you do?

            • Ignore

            • Mute and warn

            • Ban

            • Ask for help

            User argues with others. How do you respond?

              • Warn

              • De-escalate

              • Do nothing

              • Contact admin

              Inappropriate content shared. What should be the immediate action?

                • Delete and warn

                • Ask moderators

                • Do nothing

                • Ban

                Suspect bot. What do you do?

                  • Ignore

                  • Monitor and report

                  • Ban

                  • Ask for ID


                    Thank you for applying! We will review your application and get back to you shortly.

                    Application Form Templates @