Free Scrum Sprint Review Template

Scrum Sprint Review

I. Overview

The Sprint Review conducted on September 3, 2060, for [Your Company Name] was a comprehensive analysis of the outcomes and deliverables from Sprint 22. This review was aimed at evaluating the progress, discussing key achievements, and aligning on the next steps to ensure that project goals are met effectively.

II. Attendees

The following team members and stakeholders were present for the Sprint Review:

  • [Your Name], Product Owner

  • Emily Carter, Scrum Master

  • Raj Patel, Lead Developer

  • Lisa Wong, QA Engineer

  • Michael Brown, UX Designer

  • Sophie Davis, Stakeholder

  • Daniel Lee, Business Analyst

III. Achievements

Completed User Stories

The table below outlines the user stories completed during Sprint 22:

User Story ID






Implement new login authentication system


Raj Patel

On schedule, no issues


Design mobile-friendly dashboard


Michael Brown

Feedback integrated


Develop API for external integrations


Raj Patel

Passed QA, ready for release

Key Milestones

  • Login Authentication System: Integrated with user management.

  • Dashboard Design: Approved by stakeholders with positive feedback.

  • API Development: Tested and verified; documentation completed.

IV. Demonstrations

New Features

  • Login Authentication System: Demonstrated improved security features and user experience enhancements.

  • Mobile-Friendly Dashboard: Showcased the updated interface, highlighting new functionalities.

  • External Integration API: Displayed seamless data exchange capabilities with third-party applications.


  • Sophie Davis: Praise the user-friendly design and functionality of the dashboard.

  • Emily Carter: Suggested additional testing for the API under different load conditions.

V. Metrics and Performance

Velocity and Burndown Chart

The following metrics were reviewed to assess Sprint's performance:






42 Story Points

40 Story Points

Exceeded target by 5%

Burndown Chart

On Track


No major deviations

Team Performance

The team met or exceeded expectations in most areas, with notable efficiency in completing high-priority tasks.

VI. Issues and Challenges

Resolved Issues

  • API Integration: Initially faced compatibility issues with third-party systems but was resolved with a workaround.

  • Design Feedback: Addressed minor UX concerns as per stakeholder feedback.

Ongoing Challenges

  • Load Testing: API requires further stress testing to ensure performance under high-traffic conditions.

VII. Next Steps

Immediate Actions

  1. Conduct additional load testing for the API to ensure robustness.

  2. Incorporate feedback into the dashboard design for final approval.

  3. Prepare for deployment of the completed features in the upcoming release cycle.

Planning for Next Sprint

  • Sprint Goal: Focus on enhancing API performance and user interface improvements based on feedback.

  • Upcoming User Stories: Prioritize tasks related to system optimization and user experience enhancements.

VIII. Conclusion

The Sprint Review concluded with a positive assessment of the team's achievements and a clear direction for the upcoming sprint. [Your Company Name] remains committed to continuous improvement and stakeholder satisfaction. For any further queries or feedback, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Company Email].

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