Bibliography for Elementary Students

Bibliography for Elementary Students

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Creating a bibliography is an essential skill for elementary students. It teaches the importance of giving credit to original sources and helps others follow the same research path. By following the standard formats provided, elementary students can ensure their bibliographies are accurate and complete.

A. Book Sources

Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of the Book. Publisher, Year of Publication.

  1. Smith, Jane. The Wonders of Space Exploration. Galaxy Publishers, 2060.

  2. Brown, Emily. Journey Through Ancient Civilizations. History Press, 2061.

  3. Johnson, Mark. The Science of Weather. Earthbound Books, 2062.

B. Encyclopedia Sources

Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Title of the Encyclopedia, Edition, Year of Publication.

  1. Johnson, David. "Dinosaurs." World Encyclopedia for Kids, 5th ed., 2061.

  2. Adams, Laura. "The Water Cycle." Junior Science Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., 2062.

  3. Turner, Hannah. "Famous Inventors." Children's Encyclopedia of Knowledge, 7th ed., 2063.

C. Website Sources

Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Webpage." Name of the Website, URL. Accessed Date.

  1. Williams, Emily. "How Rainbows Are Formed." Kids Science Hub, Accessed August 12, 2062.

  2. Clark, Sarah. "The History of the Pyramids." Ancient Wonders Online, Accessed September 5, 2063.

  3. Martin, James. "Why Volcanoes Erupt." Earth Science for Kids, Accessed October 10, 2064.

D. Magazine and Newspaper Articles

Format: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Title of the Magazine/Newspaper, Date of Publication, pages.

  1. Brown, Michael. "The Amazing World of Sharks." Ocean Life Magazine, May 15, 2063, pp. 14-18.

  2. Davis, Sophia. "The Secrets of Coral Reefs." Marine Explorer, June 22, 2064, pp. 22-27.

  3. Thompson, Robert. "Astronomy for Beginners." Skywatcher News, July 9, 2065, pp. 30-35.

E. Video and Multimedia Sources

Format: Director's Last Name, First Name (if available). Title of the Video, Production Company, Year of Release.

  1. Taylor, Samantha. The Solar System: A Journey Through Space, Star Productions, 2064.

  2. Allen, Thomas. Exploring the Ocean Depths, Blue Planet Studios, 2065.

  3. Mitchell, Olivia. A Day in the Life of a Rainforest, Green Earth Media, 2066.

F. Interviews

Format: Interviewee's Last Name, First Name. Interview by Interviewer’s First Name Last Name. Date of Interview.

  1. Green, Lucy. Interview by John White. March 20, 2065.

  2. Carter, Paul. Interview by Emma Roberts. April 10, 2066.

  3. Young, Laura. Interview by David Smith. May 5, 2067.

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