Free Health & Safety Checklist Form Template

Health & Safety Checklist

Ensure a safe working environment by using this checklist to assess health and safety compliance in your workplace.


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        Is the workplace clean and well-organized?

        Are emergency exits clearly marked and accessible?

        Is there proper ventilation?

        Is the necessary PPE available?

        Is the PPE properly maintained?

        Are employees trained on PPE use?

        Are emergency procedures documented and accessible?

        Is first aid equipment available and maintained?

        Are fire drills conducted regularly?

        Is all equipment regularly inspected and maintained?

        Are safety guards in place on machinery?

        Are operators trained on equipment use?

        Have employees received health and safety training?

        Are hazard signs and labels visible?

        Are employees aware of reporting procedures?

        Is there a clear process for reporting incidents?

        Are records of incidents maintained and reviewed?

        Are corrective actions taken after incidents?

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