Theological Bible Citation

Theological Bible Citation

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Theological Bible Citation is a reference format used to document and provide details about specific passages or excerpts from biblical texts. This citation method ensures that quotes or references from biblical scriptures are accurately and consistently cited, typically including information about the book, chapter, verse, and edition.

Purpose of Theological Bible Citation

  • To maintain accuracy and consistency in referencing biblical texts.

  • To provide clear and precise information for academic, theological, and personal study.

  • To ensure ease of locating and verifying referenced passages.

Theological Bible Citation Details

  • Book: Exodus

  • Chapter: 14

  • Verse: 14

  • Edition: New International Version (NIV)

  • Text: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Context and Interpretation

Exodus 14:14 is a pivotal verse that offers reassurance to the Israelites as they face the daunting challenge of crossing the Red Sea with the Egyptian army in pursuit. This verse reflects God's promise of divine intervention and protection, emphasizing the importance of faith and trust in God's guidance. The verse serves as a reminder of God's omnipotence and His willingness to fight on behalf of His people, underscoring the theological principle that God actively participates in the deliverance and protection of His followers.


This verse can inspire various practical and spiritual applications:

  • Faith in Adversity: Encourage individuals to trust in divine support during challenging times, fostering a sense of calm and assurance that God is actively working for their benefit.

  • Spiritual Reflection: Use this verse to reflect on personal struggles, recognizing that divine intervention and support are available and that one’s role is to remain steadfast and patient.

  • Educational Focus: Incorporate this verse into discussions or curricula about faith and divine providence, exploring its implications in the context of religious studies and personal development.

  • Community Engagement: Organize events or discussions around the themes of divine intervention and trust in God, promoting a deeper understanding of faith in communal and individual contexts.

Inspiration or Reflection

Reflecting on Exodus 14:14, consider the profound implications of trusting in divine protection and guidance. Embrace the assurance that you are supported in your challenges and that faith can bring peace and strength in times of difficulty. This scripture invites you to cultivate a sense of trust and stillness, recognizing that divine intervention is both powerful and present in your life’s struggles and victories.


Using the Theological Bible Citation format is essential for anyone engaged in in-depth biblical research, writing, or study. It provides a structured and standardized method to document and share scripture references, ensuring clarity and consistency in theological discussions and personal reflections.

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