Sermon Bible Citation

Sermon Bible Citation

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Sermon Bible Citation is a reference format used to document and provide details about specific Bible verses or passages discussed in sermons. This format ensures that references to biblical scriptures are precise and accessible, including information about the book, chapter, verse, and edition of the Bible used.

Purpose of Sermon Bible Citation

  • To provide accurate references for listeners to locate and study the discussed Bible passages.

  • To enhance the credibility and reliability of sermon content by clearly citing sources.

  • To support deeper personal study and reflection on the scriptures referenced in sermons.

Sermon Bible Citation Details

  • Book: Psalms

  • Chapter: 23

  • Verse: 1

  • Edition: English Standard Version (ESV)

Text: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."


Psalm 23:1 is a well-known verse that expresses a profound sense of trust and contentment in God's provision and guidance. This verse opens the Psalm with a metaphor of God as a shepherd, symbolizing care, guidance, and protection. It conveys a message of assurance that with God as the shepherd, there is no need for fear or lack.

Context and Interpretation

Psalm 23 is attributed to King David and is a declaration of God's faithful care and provision. The imagery of the Lord as a shepherd reflects a deep relationship of trust and dependency. In the context of the Psalm, this verse sets the stage for a broader exploration of God's guidance, protection, and provision throughout the believer's life. The Psalm portrays a journey from need to abundance, highlighting the spiritual and practical aspects of divine care.


This verse can inspire various practical and spiritual applications:

  • Trust in Divine Provision: Encourage congregants to trust in God’s provision for their needs, fostering a sense of security and gratitude.

  • Personal Assurance: Use this verse for personal reflection on how God has provided and guided in one's own life, reinforcing faith and contentment.

  • Pastoral Care: Share this verse in pastoral care settings to offer comfort and reassurance to those experiencing uncertainty or hardship.

  • Sermon Focus: Incorporate this verse into sermons to illustrate themes of divine guidance and provision, encouraging the congregation to rely on God's care in all aspects of life.

Inspiration or Reflection

Reflecting on Psalm 23:1, consider the comforting assurance of God’s role as a shepherd. This verse invites you to embrace a trusting and contented heart, assured that God’s guidance and provision are steadfast. Allow this scripture to inspire you to view your life through the lens of divine care, finding peace in the knowledge that your needs are met by a loving and attentive shepherd.


Utilizing the Sermon Bible Citation format enhances the clarity and impact of biblical references in sermons. It provides a systematic approach to citing scripture, ensuring that listeners can easily locate and engage with the passages being discussed.

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