Sacred Bible Citation

Sacred Bible Citation

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Sacred Bible Citation is a specialized reference format used for documenting and presenting excerpts from sacred scriptures of the Bible. This citation method ensures reverence, clarity, and consistency in academic, theological, or personal use, helping readers locate and interpret biblical passages accurately. This citation method reflects the profound significance of the scriptures in both historical and modern contexts.

Purpose of Sacred Bible Citation

  • To ensure accurate and reverent referencing of sacred biblical texts.

  • To facilitate clear understanding and ease of access to specific scripture passages.

  • To promote consistent citation standards in spiritual, academic, and personal study settings.

Sacred Bible Citation Details

Book: Psalms
Chapter: 23
Verse: 1
Edition: New International Version (NIV)
Text: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”

Context and Interpretation

Psalm 23:1 is one of the most beloved and well-known verses in the Bible, symbolizing God's guidance, protection, and care. In this opening verse, the Psalmist, traditionally King David, expresses deep trust in God as a shepherd who tends to his flock, ensuring that all their needs are met. This image is a powerful metaphor for God’s relationship with humanity, highlighting His role as protector and provider. The verse underscores the theme of divine comfort and sustenance in times of need.


Spiritual Comfort:
This verse offers reassurance in moments of fear, anxiety, or hardship, reminding believers of God's unwavering presence and care.

Pastoral Ministry:
Utilize this passage in counseling or pastoral care to comfort individuals facing life's challenges, affirming God’s provision and guidance.

Worship and Prayer:
Incorporate this verse into prayers or sermons that focus on divine trust, protection, and faithfulness, fostering a deeper reliance on God.

Daily Meditation:
Encourage personal reflection on this scripture as a reminder that, with God, nothing essential will be lacking. It can serve as a grounding verse in daily spiritual practices.

Inspiration or Reflection

Reflecting on Psalm 23:1 allows believers to acknowledge God as the shepherd of their lives, providing spiritual and physical sustenance. This verse can inspire faith, trust, and serenity in God's perfect provision. Meditate on how God leads you, protects you, and ensures your well-being even in uncertain times. Let this verse guide your daily walk, knowing that with God as your shepherd, there is no need to fear or want for anything.


The Sacred Bible Citation format serves as a respectful and structured way to document biblical references. Whether used in personal study, scholarly writing, or theological reflection, it ensures that scripture is treated with the reverence and accuracy it deserves.

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