Bible Quotation Citation

Bible Quotation Citation

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


The Bible Quotation Citation format is used to accurately reference specific passages from the Bible. This format ensures clarity and consistency in documenting and studying biblical texts.

Purpose of Bible Quotation Citation

  • Accuracy: To provide exact references for biblical passages.

  • Consistency: To maintain a standardized approach in citing scripture.

  • Clarity: To make it easy to locate and verify quoted passages.

Elements of Bible Quotation Citation

A proper Bible citation involves the following elements:

  • Book Name

  • Chapter Number

  • Verse Number(s)

  • Bible Version

Common Bible Versions

Below are some common Bible versions used in citations:

  • NIV (New International Version)

  • KJV (King James Version)

  • ESV (English Standard Version)

  • NASB (New American Standard Bible)

Citation Details

  • Book: Exodus

  • Chapter: 3

  • Verse: 14

  • Edition: New International Version (NIV)

  • Text: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.’”

Context and Interpretation

Exodus 3:14 is a significant passage where God reveals His name to Moses. This declaration of “I AM WHO I AM” underscores God’s eternal and self-existent nature. It marks a foundational moment in understanding God’s identity and His role in guiding and liberating His people.


  • Spiritual Reflection: Reflect on the meaning of God’s name as a reminder of His eternal presence and unchanging nature.

  • Theological Study: Use this verse in discussions about God’s self-revelation and His relationship with humanity.

  • Personal Growth: Consider how this verse reassures you of God’s constant presence in your life.

Inspiration or Reflection

Reflect on the profound implications of Exodus 3:14 for understanding God’s eternal nature and presence. This verse encourages you to view God as an ever-present support and guide in all aspects of life.


Using the Bible Quotation Citation format is crucial for precise and consistent referencing of scripture, enhancing the study and interpretation of biblical texts.

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