Free Printable Employee Attendance Policy Template



Free Printable Employee Attendance Policy Template

Employee Attendance Policy

1. Purpose

This Employee Attendance Policy outlines the standards for attendance expected of all employees of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Timely and regular attendance is critical for maintaining productivity and team cohesion. This policy aims to provide guidelines for managing attendance and addressing attendance-related issues.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, including full-time, part-time, and temporary staff, of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It encompasses guidelines on punctuality, absenteeism, and procedures for notifying and documenting attendance-related matters.

3. Definitions




Regular presence at the workplace during scheduled hours.


Arriving at the workplace on time and being ready to start working at the designated start time.


Frequent or habitual absence from work, often without valid reasons.

4. Attendance Expectations

Employees are expected to:

  • Arrive at work on time each day.

  • Notify their supervisor or manager if they will be late or absent.

  • Provide valid reasons for absences, such as illness or personal emergencies.

  • Minimize any disruptions caused by their absence.

5. Procedures for Reporting Absences

In the event of an absence, employees must:

  • Notify their supervisor or manager as soon as possible, preferably before the start of their shift.

  • Provide a reason for their absence and an estimated return date if known.

  • Submit any required documentation, such as a doctor's note, if the absence exceeds a specified number of days.

6. Consequences of Poor Attendance

Unexcused or excessive absences may lead to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to:

  • Verbal or written warnings.

  • Suspension without pay.

  • Termination of employment.

7. Leave of Absence

Employees may request a leave of absence for valid reasons, such as medical treatment, family emergencies, or personal matters. All such requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the manager or HR department.

8. Record Keeping

[YOUR COMPANY NAME] will maintain accurate attendance records for all employees. These records will be used for performance evaluations, payroll processing, and to address any issues related to attendance.

9. Review and Amendments

This attendance policy will be reviewed periodically and may be amended to reflect changes in company practices or legal requirements. Employees will be notified of any significant changes to the policy.

10. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns about this policy, employees should contact their supervisor or the HR department at [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

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