Free Blank Policy Review Template



Free Blank Policy Review Template

Blank Policy Review

I. Objective

The objective of this document is to provide a comprehensive and detailed policy review process, ensuring all policies are up-to-date, effective, and aligned with the organization’s goals and regulatory requirements.

II. Scope

This policy review process applies to all policies within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It encompasses regular reviews, updates, and approvals as required.

III. Policy Review Process

1. Initiation



Identify Policy

Determine which policy requires review based on schedule or incidents.

Assign Reviewer

Designate a responsible person or team to conduct the review.

2. Review

The assigned reviewer should evaluate the policy for the following:

  • Compliance with current laws and regulations

  • Alignment with organizational goals and strategies

  • Effectiveness in achieving its objectives

  • Relevance to current operational practices

3. Documentation of Changes

Document any suggested changes or updates in a structured manner.


Current Text

Suggested Changes


Existing introduction text...

Updated introduction text...

4. Approval

The following steps should be taken to approve the revised policy:

  • Submission of review changes to the governing body

  • Discussion and amendments as needed

  • Formal approval and documentation of the approval process

5. Implementation

Post-approval, the policy should be:

  • Communicated to all relevant parties

  • Integrated into the organization’s policy repository

  • Monitored for compliance and effectiveness

IV. Roles and Responsibilities

The following roles are critical to the policy review process:



Policy Owner

Initiates the review and coordinates all phases


Conducts the detailed review and documentation

Approval Committee

Reviews and formally approves changes

Implementation Team

Ensures new policies are distributed and understood

V. Review Schedule

Policies should be reviewed according to the following schedule:

  • Annually for critical policies

  • Bi-annually for standard operational policies

  • As needed for policies affected by regulatory changes or incidents

VI. Conclusion

The systematic review of organizational policies ensures they remain effective, relevant, and compliant with regulatory standards. By following this comprehensive policy review process, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] can maintain high standards of governance and operational efficiency.

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