Free Loan Agreement Form Template


Free Loan Agreement Form Template

Loan Agreement Form

Please fill out the form below to complete the agreement.

Borrower's Information


    Birth Date


      Phone number


          Type of Warranty

          Reference Name

          Reference Contact Number

            Lender's Information


              Bank Account

              Phone number


                  Loan Information

                  Start Date - First Payment

                  End Date - Last Payment

                  Late Fee

                  Loan Amount

                  Interest Rate

                  Payment Method

                  • Cash

                  • Check

                  • Wire Transfer

                  Terms and Conditions

                  Parties and the Subject Of the Agreement

                  This Loan Agreement (referred as "Agreement" hereinafter) has been signed by and between the "Lender" First Name Last Nameresides in Street Address State/Province City Countryon Dateand enters into force on this date.

                  By concluding this Agreement, the Lender agrees and undertakes to loan Loan Amount to the Borrower and the Borrower agrees and undertakes to pay this amount back with the terms and conditions indicated below.

                  Payment Plan

                  Within the scope of this Agreement, the Borrower shall pay the total amount in equal installments over a total of Number of Months. The monthly payment is made on the Day of the Monthday of each month. The first payment will be on Dateand continue monthly until the last payment which is on Date.

                  Consequences of Failure to Pay

                  If the Borrower fails to pay in due date, twice in a row during the Agreement period, balance due becomes due and demandable without the need for an another notice. If the Borrower repudiates to make the payment, the Lender shall collect the balance due through the warranty specified in the section IV below.

                  For late payments, a daily default interest of Interestshall be applied.


                  With the signing of this Agreement, the Borrower has to give a warranty by using at least one of the following methods in order to secure the debt;

                  • Guarantor

                  • Bank Letter of Guaranty

                  • Mortgage

                  • Other (Please specify: Specify the "Other" Option)

                  The Lender accepts and undertakes that after the payment of all installments and the expiration of this Agreement, this warranty will become null and void.


                  The Agreement shall be amended only by a written instrument which specifically refers to this Agreement and is executed by the Lender and Borrower. This Agreement shall not be deemed to be amended orally or by virtue of any continuing custom or practice.

                  Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

                  The execution, effectiveness, construction, performance, amendment and termination of this Agreement and the resolution of disputes hereunder shall be governed by the formally published and publicly available laws of State.


                  Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto without the prior written consent of the other party. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns.


                  Any notice, offer, approval, request, or other communication (collectively a "notice")required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing and delivered to the addresses mentioned in this Agreement above.


                  Borrower Lender

                  Name: Name:

                  Date: Date:

                  Agreement Form Templates @