Free Mental Health Checklist Template



Free Mental Health Checklist Template

Mental Health Checklist

Prepared by: [Your Name]




I. Daily Self-Care

Sleep: Did you get 7-9 hours of sleep?

Hydration: Did you drink enough water (8 glasses)?

Nutrition: Did you eat balanced meals?

Exercise: Did you engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes?

Relaxation: Did you take time to relax or meditate?

II. Emotional Well-Being

Feelings: Did you identify and acknowledge your feelings today?

Support: Did you connect with friends or family for emotional support?

Stress: Did you use any techniques to manage stress (e.g., deep breathing, journaling)?

III. Mental Health Awareness

Thoughts: Were you aware of any negative thoughts or patterns?

Mindfulness: Did you practice mindfulness or stay present in the moment?

Professional Help: Did you attend any therapy or counseling sessions if needed?

IV. Social Interaction

Connection: Did you interact with others in a meaningful way?

Boundaries: Did you set and maintain healthy boundaries?

V. Personal Goals

Progress: Did you make progress toward any personal or professional goals?

Reflection: Did you reflect on your achievements and challenges?

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