Free Board Meeting Minutes for Nonprofit Template

Board Meeting Minutes for Nonprofit

Date: September 10, 2050
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: [Your Company Name] Office, 123 Elm Street, Suite 456, Springfield, IL

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Sarah Thompson at 2:00 PM.

II. Roll Call

  • Present: Sarah Thompson, Michael Adams, Linda Garcia, Emily Wang, David Robinson

  • Absent: Rachel Smith

  • Guests: None

III. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the previous meeting held on August 15, 2050, were reviewed. Michael Adams made a motion to approve the minutes, and Linda Garcia seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.

IV. Reports

A. Financial Report

Treasurer Emily Wang presented the financial report for the period ending August 31, 2050. Key points included:

  • Total income: $25,000

  • Total expenses: $15,000

  • Current balance: $10,000

The report was accepted as presented.

B. Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director David Robinson provided an update on recent activities and achievements, including:

  • Successful completion of the "Green City Clean-Up" event, which engaged 150 volunteers.

  • Upcoming "Sustainability Fair" scheduled for October 20, 2050, at the Springfield Community Center.

The report was accepted as presented.

V. Old Business

A. Fundraising Strategy

  • Discussion: The board discussed the effectiveness of recent fundraising strategies and explored new approaches.

  • Decision: The board agreed to implement a new digital campaign.

  • Responsible: Emily Wang to lead the campaign development.

VI. New Business

A. Grant Proposal for Environmental Education Program

  • Discussion: The board reviewed a proposed grant application for a new environmental education program aimed at local schools.

  • Decision: The board approved the proposal for submission.

  • Responsible: David Robinson to finalize and submit the application.

VII. Open Forum

  • Sarah Thompson suggested exploring partnerships with local businesses for future events.

  • Michael Adams proposed a quarterly newsletter to keep donors informed.

VIII. Next Meeting

The next board meeting is scheduled for October 8, 2050, at 2:00 PM at the [Your Company Name] Office.

IX. Adjournment

Michael Adams made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:30 PM. The motion was seconded by Linda Garcia and approved unanimously.

Minutes Submitted by: [Your Name]
September 12, 2050

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