Free Meeting Agenda Follow-up Template

Meeting Agenda Follow-up

Date: September 10, 2050
Attendees: Alice Johnson, Bob Smith, Carol Davis

I. Overview

The meeting was held to discuss the upcoming product launch and finalize the marketing strategy.

II. Action Items

Action Item

Responsible Person

Due Date


Finalize product design

Alice Johnson

September 20, 2050

In Progress

Prepare marketing materials

Bob Smith

September 25, 2050

Not Started

Schedule team training sessions

Carol Davis

September 30, 2050

Not Started

III. Decisions Made

  • The product design was approved with minor adjustments.

  • Marketing materials will focus on social media and email campaigns.

  • Training sessions will be scheduled for the week of October 1, 2050.

IV. Next Steps

  • Alice Johnson will send the updated product design by September 15, 2050.

  • Bob Smith will draft marketing materials and share with the team by September 22, 2050.

  • Carol Davis will confirm training session dates and notify the team by September 28, 2050.

V. Questions/Comments

  • Bob Smith suggested exploring additional marketing channels.

  • Carol Davis requested a review of the training content.

VI. Next Meeting

Date: September 30, 2050
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Conference Room B

Please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email] for clarifications.

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