Free Caries Risk Assessment Form Template


Free Caries Risk Assessment Form Template

Caries Risk Assessment Form 

Please complete this form to evaluate and identify the risk factors for dental caries.

Patient Name

    Dentist Name


        Contributing Conditions

        Low Risk

        High Risk

        High Risk

        Indicate the conditions that apply

        Fluoride Exposure

        Sugary Foods or Drinks

        Caries Experiences of Mother, Caregiver and other Siblings

        Dental Home

        General Health Conditions

        Low Risk

        High Risk

        High Risk

        Indicate the conditions that apply


        Eating Disorders

        Medications that Reduce Salivary Flow

        Drug/Alcohol Abuse

        Clinical Conditions

        Low Risk

        High Risk

        High Risk

        Indicate the conditions that apply

        Cavitated or Non-Cavitated Carious Lesions or Restorations

        Teeth Missing Due to Caries in past 36 months

        Visible Plaque

        Drug/Alcohol Abuse

        Interproximal Restorations - 1 or more

        Exposed Root Surfaces

        Restorations with Overhangs and/or Open Margins; Open Contacts with Food Impaction

        Overall assessment of dental caries at risk:

          Overall Comments

          Dentist Signature



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