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Fire safety Inspection Checklist

Fire Safety Inspection Checklist

Prepared by:

[Your Name]


April 1, 2058

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Fire Extinguishers

  • Ensure fire extinguishers are easily accessible

  • Verify fire extinguishers are fully charged and in their designated places

  • Check inspection tags for current inspections (within the last year)

  • Ensure all personnel know the locations and usage

  • Inspect for any physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzles

Fire Alarms and Detection Systems

  • Test fire alarms to ensure they are operational

  • Verify that smoke detectors are in working condition

  • Ensure alarm systems are visible and not obstructed

  • Review fire alarm control panel for any trouble indicators

  • Check for proper signage indicating fire alarm locations

Emergency Exits and Evacuation Routes

  • Ensure all emergency exits are unobstructed and accessible

  • Verify that exit doors can be opened from the inside without special knowledge or keys

  • Check that emergency lighting works and is adequate for all exit paths

  • Ensure evacuation routes and plans are clearly posted

  • Inspect that fire doors and exit routes are clearly marked with illuminated signs

Electrical Safety and Wiring

  • Inspect all electrical panels, ensuring they are properly closed and labeled

  • Review cords and plugs for any signs of wear, fraying, or damage

  • Ensure proper grounding of circuits and electrical equipment

  • Check that electrical appliances do not overload circuits

  • Ensure that electrical panels have at least 3 feet clearance around them

Flammable Materials Handling and Storage

  • Store all flammable materials in approved, labeled containers

  • Ensure that flammable materials are stored away from heat sources

  • Check that storage areas for flammable materials are properly ventilated

  • Inspect storage cabinets for signs of leaks, rust, or damage

  • Verify that safety data sheets (SDS) are available for all flammable materials

Checklist Templates @

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Printable Home Inspection Checklist Template
