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Restaurant Kitchen Inspection Checklist

Restaurant Kitchen Inspection Checklist

Inspector’s Name: [Your Name]

Date: April 13, 2055

Facility: [Your Company Name]

General Cleanliness Inspection

  • Floors are clean, dry, and free of debris.

  • Walls and ceilings are free of grease and food splatters.

  • Countertops and work surfaces are sanitized and uncluttered.

  • Sinks are clean and clear of dirty dishes and food particles.

  • Trash bins are not overflowing and have fitted lids.

Food Storage and Handling

  • Perishable foods are stored at correct temperatures.

  • All food containers are covered and labeled with expiration dates.

  • Raw and cooked foods are stored separately to prevent cross-contamination.

  • Refrigerators and freezers are clean and functional.

  • Dry goods are stored off the ground and in sealed containers.

Equipment and Utensils

  • All cooking equipment is clean and in good repair.

  • Cutting boards are sanitized and free of deep grooves or cracks.

  • Knives and other utensils are clean and stored properly.

  • Heat-producing appliances (stoves, ovens) are functioning properly.

  • Food processors and mixers are cleaned after each use.

Personal Hygiene and Employee Practices

  • Staff wash hands thoroughly and wear clean uniforms.

  • Hair is restrained with hairnets or hats.

  • Jewelry is kept to a minimum to prevent contamination.

  • Staff receive ongoing training on food safety practices.

  • Gloves are changed frequently and used correctly.

Health and Safety Compliance

  • First aid kits are stocked and accessible.

  • Fire extinguishers are functional and inspected regularly.

  • Emergency exits are clearly marked and unobstructed.

  • Signage for handwashing and sanitation is visibly posted.

  • Pest control measures are in place and logs are maintained.

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