Restaurant Kitchen Inspection Checklist
Restaurant Kitchen Inspection Checklist
Inspector’s Name: [Your Name]
Date: April 13, 2055
Facility: [Your Company Name]
General Cleanliness Inspection
Floors are clean, dry, and free of debris.
Walls and ceilings are free of grease and food splatters.
Countertops and work surfaces are sanitized and uncluttered.
Sinks are clean and clear of dirty dishes and food particles.
Trash bins are not overflowing and have fitted lids.
Food Storage and Handling
Perishable foods are stored at correct temperatures.
All food containers are covered and labeled with expiration dates.
Raw and cooked foods are stored separately to prevent cross-contamination.
Refrigerators and freezers are clean and functional.
Dry goods are stored off the ground and in sealed containers.
Equipment and Utensils
All cooking equipment is clean and in good repair.
Cutting boards are sanitized and free of deep grooves or cracks.
Knives and other utensils are clean and stored properly.
Heat-producing appliances (stoves, ovens) are functioning properly.
Food processors and mixers are cleaned after each use.
Personal Hygiene and Employee Practices
Staff wash hands thoroughly and wear clean uniforms.
Hair is restrained with hairnets or hats.
Jewelry is kept to a minimum to prevent contamination.
Staff receive ongoing training on food safety practices.
Gloves are changed frequently and used correctly.
Health and Safety Compliance
First aid kits are stocked and accessible.
Fire extinguishers are functional and inspected regularly.
Emergency exits are clearly marked and unobstructed.
Signage for handwashing and sanitation is visibly posted.
Pest control measures are in place and logs are maintained.