Course Evaluation Form
Course Evaluation Form
Please fill out this form to provide feedback on the course and instructor.
Course Title
Instructor's Name
Date of Evaluation
Please rate the following aspects of the course by clicking the appropriate number (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent). Your feedback will help improve future courses.
Course Content
1. The course objectives were clearly defined.
2. The course materials (handouts, readings, online resources) were helpful.
3. The course covered the topics as described in the syllabus.
4. The course provided real-world applications of the content.
5. The workload was appropriate for the credit hours.
Instructor Effectiveness
6. The instructor communicated the course material clearly.
7. The instructor was well-prepared for each class.
8. The instructor encouraged student participation.
9. The instructor provided useful feedback on assignments.
10. The instructor was approachable and available for questions.
Learning Experience
11. I have gained knowledge and skills that I can apply in the future.
12. The course met my overall expectations.
Open-Ended Questions
13. What were the most valuable aspects of this course?
14. What aspects of the course could be improved?
15. How could the instructor improve the teaching of this course?
16. Any additional comments or suggestions?
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Thank you for your time and valuable feedback.
Your input is greatly appreciated!
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