Property Transfer Letter

Property Transfer Letter

Date: October 24, 2050

To: Garfield Williams
Email: garfield@you.mail
Address: Raleigh, NC 27601
Position: Property Buyer

Dear Garfield Williams,

This letter is to formally confirm the transfer of property ownership located at [Your Company Address], from the current owner, [Your Name], to you, Garfield Williams. The transfer has been agreed upon and will be finalized according to the terms outlined below.

Property Details

  • Property Address: [Your Company Address]

  • Parcel Number: NC-12345

  • Current Owner: [Your Name]

  • New Owner: Garfield Williams

Terms of Transfer

  1. Transfer Date: The official transfer date for the property is set for November 30, 2050.

  2. Payment: The total purchase price of $350,000 will be transferred in the following installments:

    • Initial Deposit: $50,000 by November 1, 2050.

    • Remaining Balance: $300,000 by November 29, 2050.

  3. Conditions of Transfer:
    The property will be transferred free from any encumbrances or legal issues, and all property taxes up to the date of transfer will be the responsibility of the seller.

Upon completion of these terms, the property will be legally transferred to Garfield Williams, and all rights, title, and interest in the property will belong to him.


By signing below, both parties acknowledge and accept the terms of this property transfer. Both the buyer and seller agree to fulfill their respective obligations to ensure the smooth and timely transfer of ownership.

Agreement by the Buyer:
I, Garfield Williams, agree to the terms stated in this letter for the transfer of the property located at [Your Company Address]. I will complete all necessary payments by the agreed deadlines.

Date: October 24, 2050

Agreement by the Seller:
I, [Your Name], agree to transfer ownership of the property at [Your Company Address] to Garfield Williams under the terms outlined in this letter. I will fulfill all obligations necessary for the transfer.

Date: October 24, 2050

Should you have any questions or require further details, please contact me at [Your Email].


[Your Name]
Property Seller
[Your Email]

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