Free Cease and Desist Demand Letter Template



Free Cease and Desist Demand Letter Template

Cease and Desist Demand Letter

September 25, 2050

Adela Abshire
456 Elm Street
Montgomery, AL 36101

Subject: Cease and Desist Demand

Dear Adela Abshire,

I am writing to formally request that you immediately cease infringing upon my copyright by using my original artwork without permission. This action is causing harm to me and is not only unethical but also unlawful.

Description of Violation
On September 15, 2050, you published my artwork titled “Sunset Over the Mountains” on your social media account without my consent. These actions constitute copyright infringement, which is a violation of the U.S. Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.).

Demand for Immediate Action
I demand that you take the following actions within 10 days from the date of this letter:

  1. Immediately cease using my artwork in any form.

  2. Remove all copies of my artwork from your social media accounts and any other platforms where it may appear.

  3. Provide written confirmation that you have complied with this demand.

Please be advised that if you do not comply with this demand, I may pursue legal action against you, which could include seeking monetary damages, injunctive relief, and recovery of attorney fees.

This letter is written without prejudice to my rights and claims, all of which are expressly reserved.

I look forward to your prompt attention to this serious matter.


[Your Name]

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