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Payment Installment Guarantee Letter

Payment Installment Guarantee Letter

October 5, 2050

To Whom It May Concern,

We are writing to formally guarantee the payment installment for the outstanding invoice #12345. In accordance with our agreement, we propose to settle the total amount of $10,000 in four equal installments over the next four months.

The proposed payment schedule is as follows:

  • First Installment: $2,500 due on October 15, 2050

  • Second Installment: $2,500 due on November 15, 2050

  • Third Installment: $2,500 due on December 15, 2050

  • Final Installment: $2,500 due on January 15, 2051

We assure you that each payment will be made promptly on the specified dates. We highly value our business relationship and are committed to fulfilling our financial obligations in a timely manner.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirm your acceptance of the proposed payment schedule at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


[Your Name]

Chief Financial Officer

[Your Company Name]

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