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Shift Handover Note Format

Shift Handover Note Format

Time of Handover:                               

Outgoing Shift Worker:                               
Incoming Shift Worker:                               

I. Shift Summary

Overview of the shift activities:

  • Brief description of key tasks completed

II. Ongoing Tasks

Tasks still in progress:

  • Task 1: Description, current status

  • Task 2: Description, current status

  • Task 3: Description, current status

III. Issues or Incidents

Details of any problems encountered:

  • Issue 1: Description, actions taken, current status

  • Issue 2: Description, actions taken, current status

IV. Action Items for Next Shift

Specific actions to prioritize:

  • Action Item 1: Description

  • Action Item 2: Description

V. Key Updates

Relevant changes or important notes:

  • Update 1: Description

  • Update 2: Description

VI. Contact Information

For further clarification:

  • Name/Position of contact person

  • Contact details (phone/email)

Signature of Outgoing Shift Worker

Signature of Incoming Shift Worker

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