School Permission Slip

School Permission Slip

Title of the Event/Activity

    Date and Time


        Purpose of the Activity

          Student's Name


              Parent/Guardian Name

                Emergency Contact's Number

                  Emergency Contact's Email

                    Does your child have any medical conditions or allergies we should be aware of? (Please specify if applicable)

                      Is your child currently taking any medication? (If yes, please list the medication and administration instructions)

                        Does your child require any special accommodations or assistance during the event? (Please provide details if necessary)

                          In case of an emergency, do you authorize the school to seek medical treatment for your child?

                          Consent Statement

                          I, the parent/guardian of [Student Name], give permission for my child to participate in [Event Name] on [Event Date]. I understand the nature of the activity and any associated risks.

                          Liability Waiver

                          I acknowledge that the school and its staff are not responsible for any unforeseen injuries or incidents that may occur during this event. I agree to release the school from any liability.

                          Parent/Guardian Name:

                          Date Signed:

                          Form Templates @

                          Thank you for submission!

                          We appreciate you taking the time to submit.

                          Create free forms at