Free Request for Bid Template



Free Request for Bid Template

Request for Bid

RFB Number: 2054-001
Date Issued: October 1, 2054
Submission Deadline: November 1, 2054, 5:00 PM
Issued By: [Your Company Name]
Contact Information: [Your Company Email] | [Your Company Number]

I. Introduction

[Your Company Name] is seeking qualified vendors to submit bids for the provision of IT Infrastructure Upgrade and Maintenance Services. The purpose of this RFB is to identify a vendor capable of upgrading our current IT infrastructure, ensuring high-speed connectivity, data security, and system maintenance across our corporate offices. The project is essential for improving our overall operational efficiency and cybersecurity measures.

II. Scope of Work

The selected vendor will be responsible for providing the following:

  1. Service/Product Description
    A detailed explanation of the goods/services required, including:

    • Specifications

    • Quantity

    • Delivery expectations (dates, locations, etc.)

  2. Deliverables

    • Itemized list of deliverables

    • Required timelines for each deliverable

  3. Project Duration
    The project is expected to begin on December 1, 2054, and must be completed by March 31, 2055.

III. Bid Submission Guidelines

Bids must be submitted via email to [Your Company Email] no later than 5:00 PM on November 1, 2054. Late submissions will not be considered.

Submission Requirements:

  • Cover Letter
    Include a brief introduction, vendor background, and contact information.

  • Bid Form
    A completed bid form with detailed pricing, including a breakdown of labor, materials, and any additional costs.

  • References
    Provide at least three client references from similar projects completed within the last five years.

  • Certifications/Qualifications
    Any necessary industry certifications or qualifications required for this project.

IV. Evaluation Criteria

Bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Pricing (40%)
    The competitiveness of the bid price in relation to market rates and budget.

  2. Experience and Qualifications (30%)
    The vendor's experience in completing similar projects and their technical qualifications.

  3. Project Plan and Timeline (20%)
    The feasibility and clarity of the proposed project plan and ability to meet deadlines.

  4. References (10%)
    Feedback from previous clients regarding the vendor’s performance.

V. Terms and Conditions

  • Payment Terms: Payments will be made based on project milestones, with final payment upon successful completion.

  • Contract Award: [Your Company Name] reserves the right to reject any or all bids, negotiate with bidders, or award the contract to multiple vendors if deemed necessary.

  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: The successful bidder will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect proprietary information.

VI. Contact Information

All questions and clarifications regarding this RFB should be submitted in writing via email to [Your Company Email] no later than October 15, 2054. Answers will be provided to all bidders by October 20, 2054.

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