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Daycare Terminating Services Due To Policy Violations

Daycare Terminating Services Due To Policy Violations

June 10, 2050

Mr. David
456 Maple Street Hometown, ST 12345

Dear Mr. David,

I hope this message finds you well. It is with a heavy heart that we must inform you of our decision to terminate childcare services, effective July 15, 2050.

This decision has been made after careful consideration and is based on several repeated violations of our daycare policies. Specifically, we have observed consistent late pick-ups and non-compliance with our payment schedule, which have been discussed with you on multiple occasions. Maintaining a consistent and respectful environment is crucial for the well-being of all children in our care, and we have found it challenging to ensure this under the current circumstances.

We kindly request that you arrange to collect your belongings from our facility by June 14, 2050. Additionally, please settle any outstanding payments by July 10, 2050, to ensure a smooth transition.

We appreciate the time your family has spent with us and are grateful for the joy brought to our daycare community. If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this decision, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at [Your Email].

We wish you and your family all the best in the future and hope you find a suitable environment that meets your needs.


[Your Name]
Bright Futures Daycare

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