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Custody Agreement Letter

Custody Agreement Letter

March 10, 2050


Shreveport, LA 71101


Efrain Abshire
Tacoma, WA 98401

[email protected]

Subject: Custody Agreement for [child name]

Dear Efrain Abshire,

This Custody Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between [YOUR NAME] and Efrain Abshire on March 10, 2050, in order to establish clear terms regarding the custody, visitation, and care of our child, [child name], born on July 15, 2045.

This Agreement reflects our mutual desire to ensure the well-being, stability, and security of our child following our separation.

1. Physical Custody

We agree that physical custody of [child name] will be as follows:

  • Primary Custodial Parent: [YOUR NAME] will have primary physical custody.

  • Residential Address: [child name] will reside primarily at Shreveport, LA 71101

  • Visitation Rights: Efrain will have visitation with [child name] as outlined in the schedule below:

    • Weekdays: Efrain will have visitation on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

    • Weekends: Efrain will have visitation on the first and third weekends of each month from Friday at 6:00 PM to Sunday at 6:00 PM.

    • Holidays: We will alternate custody for major holidays. In odd-numbered years, [YOUR NAME] will have custody during Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Efrain will have custody during New Year's and Easter. In even-numbered years, these roles will be reversed.

2. Legal Custody

We agree that legal custody of the child will be joint. This means that both parents will share the right and responsibility to make decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, religious upbringing, and general welfare. Any significant decisions will require consultation between [YOUR NAME] and Efrain.

3. Child Support

We agree that Efrain will contribute financially to the upbringing of the child as follows:

  • Monthly Child Support: Efrain will pay a monthly amount of $500 to [YOUR NAME] for child support, due on the first day of each month, starting on April 1, 2050.

  • Additional Expenses: Any extraordinary expenses, such as medical care, extracurricular activities, or school fees, will be split 50/50 between both parents, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

4. Vacation Schedule

We agree that vacation time will be divided as follows:

  • [YOUR NAME] will have two weeks of vacation time with Emily each year, with prior notice of 30 days to Efrain.

  • Efrain will have two weeks of vacation time with Emily each year, with prior notice of 30 days to [YOUR NAME].

Each parent will notify the other at least six weeks in advance before taking Emily on any trips outside of the state or out of the country.

5. Communication

We agree that both parents will encourage regular communication between Emily and the non-custodial parent during their time apart. Communication may occur via phone, video calls, or any other agreed-upon method at reasonable hours, with respect to Emily’s schedule.

6. Modification of Agreement

This Agreement may only be modified in writing, signed by both parents. We understand that as our child grows and circumstances change, adjustments may be necessary, and we commit to working together amicably for the benefit of Emily.

7. Dispute Resolution

Should any disputes arise regarding this Agreement, we agree to first attempt resolution through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, we will seek resolution through the Family Court in [STATE NAME].

8. Effective Date

This Agreement becomes effective on March 10, 2050, and will remain in effect until amended or terminated by mutual agreement or by order of the court.

9. Signatures

We, the undersigned, agree to the terms of this Custody Agreement for the care and well-being of the child.

Parent 1:

Date: March 10, 2050

Parent 2:

Efrain Abshire
Date: March 10, 2050

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