Event Trip Proposal

Event Trip Proposal

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: October 8, 2050

1. Introduction

This Event Trip Proposal outlines the details for an upcoming trip to attend an important industry conference taking place on November 15, 2050, at a designated venue in San Francisco, CA. The purpose of this trip is to explore the latest advancements in technology, network with industry professionals, and gather insights for future projects.

2. Trip Details

Event Name

2050 Tech Innovations Conference

Event Date

November 15, 2050

Event Location

Tech City Convention Center, San Francisco, CA

Number of Attendees



3 days

3. Itinerary




November 14

Depart from Office

8:00 AM

November 14

Arrive at San Francisco International Airport

11:00 AM

November 14

Check-in at Hotel

1:00 PM

November 14

Dinner and Networking Event

7:00 PM

November 15

Event Registration

8:00 AM

November 15

Attend Keynote Session

9:00 AM

November 15

Lunch Break

12:00 PM

November 15

Attend Workshops

1:00 PM

November 16

Return to Office

4:00 PM

4. Transportation Arrangements

  • Mode of Transportation: Air travel (Round trip)

  • Transportation Provider: Delta Airlines

  • Cost Estimate: $600 per person (Total: $3,000 for 5 attendees)

5. Accommodation Details

Hotel Name

Check-in Date

Check-out Date

Cost per Night

Grand Hotel San Francisco

November 14, 2050

November 16, 2050


  • Total Number of Rooms: 3 (2 double occupancy, 1 single occupancy)

  • Special Amenities: Free Wi-Fi, Breakfast included

6. Budget Overview

Expense Category

Estimated Cost









Total Estimated Cost


7. Conclusion

This Event Trip Proposal aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the arrangements for attending the upcoming industry conference. Approval of this proposal will enable us to finalize the necessary bookings and ensure a successful trip for all participants.

8. Contact Information

For any questions or further clarifications regarding this proposal, please contact:

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

9. Approval

Please indicate your approval by signing below:

Approved by: Jane Smith
Date: October 9, 2050

Proposal Templates @ Template.net