Free Patient Evaluation Note Outline Template

Patient Evaluation Note Outline

Patient Name: Alanis Durgan
Date: October 8, 2089
DOB: January 1, 2050
MRN: 123456
Clinician: Dr. [Your Name], MD

Chief Complaint:

The patient presents with complaints of persistent lower back pain for the past three weeks.

History of Present Illness:

Alanis Durgan is a 39-year-old male who reports experiencing lower back pain that started approximately three weeks ago. The pain is described as a dull ache, rated 6/10 in intensity, and worsens with prolonged sitting and bending. He denies any history of trauma. The patient has attempted over-the-counter analgesics (ibuprofen) with minimal relief. No associated symptoms such as leg weakness or bowel/bladder dysfunction.

Past Medical History:

  • Hypertension is well-controlled with medication

  • No previous surgeries

  • No known drug allergies


  • Lisinopril 10 mg daily

  • Ibuprofen as needed

Social History:

  • Non-smoker

  • Occasional alcohol use

  • Works as a software engineer, a sedentary lifestyle

Family History:

  • Father with a history of coronary artery disease

  • Mother with hypertension

Review of Systems:

  • Constitutional: No fever, weight loss

  • Musculoskeletal: Reports lower back pain; no joint swelling or stiffness

  • Neurological: No headaches, dizziness, or weakness

Physical Examination:

  • Vital Signs: BP 120/80 mmHg, HR 72 bpm, RR 16 breaths/min, Temp 98.6°F

  • General: Alert, in no acute distress

  • Back: Tenderness noted in the lumbar region, no palpable muscle spasm

  • Range of Motion: Limited flexion due to pain, extension and lateral bending within normal limits

  • Neurological: Normal strength and sensation in lower extremities; reflexes intact


  1. Mechanical lower back pain is likely due to muscle strain or posture-related issues.

  2. Hypertension is well-controlled.


  1. Educate the patient on proper ergonomics at the workplace.

  2. Recommend physical therapy focused on strengthening and flexibility exercises.

  3. Continue ibuprofen as needed for pain management; consider prescribing a muscle relaxant if symptoms persist.

  4. Follow-up in 4 weeks or sooner if symptoms worsen.

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