Free School Trip Outline Proposal Template



Free School Trip Outline Proposal Template

School Trip Outline Proposal

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: October 8, 2054
School Name: [Your Company Name]
Grade/Level: 7th Grade

1. Introduction

This proposal outlines the essential details for the upcoming school trip to the National History Museum. This educational excursion aims to provide students with an interactive experience that enhances their understanding of history and culture while encouraging teamwork and social skills.

2. Objectives

  • Engagement: To immerse students in hands-on learning experiences related to U.S. history.

  • Social Interaction: To promote collaboration and communication among peers.

  • Memorable Experience: To create lasting memories and foster a love for learning outside the traditional classroom setting.

3. Trip Details

The following section outlines the itinerary, transportation, and budget details for the school trip to the National History Museum on November 15, 2054.

3.1 Itinerary



8:00 AM

Depart from school

9:00 AM

Arrive at the National History Museum

9:15 AM

Guided tour of the museum

11:00 AM

Educational workshop on ancient cultures

12:30 PM

Lunch at the museum cafeteria

1:15 PM

Free exploration of exhibits

2:30 PM

Depart for school

3:30 PM

Arrive back at school

3.2 Transportation

  • Mode of Transportation: Charter bus

  • Provider: Citywide Bus Services

  • Cost: $600 (round trip)

3.3 Budget Overview

Expense Item

Estimated Cost



Admission Fees

$240 (30 students at $8 each)


$150 (30 students at $5 each)

Supplies (workshop)


Total Estimated Cost


4. Participant Information

  • Number of Students: 30

  • Number of Chaperones: 5 (2 teachers and 3 parent volunteers)

  • Required Permissions: Parent/guardian signatures for student participation.

5. Safety Measures

  • Emergency Contacts: Collect emergency contact information for each student before departure.

  • First Aid: A first aid kit will be available throughout the trip.

  • Behavior Expectations: Clear guidelines will be communicated to students regarding conduct, emphasizing respect for the museum and its exhibits.

6. Signatures

To ensure approval and commitment to the proposed trip, the following signatures are required:





[Your Name]


October 10, 2054

Maryjane Dare


October 10, 2054

George Homes


October 10, 2054

7. Conclusion

The school trip to the National History Museum presents a valuable opportunity for students to explore history engagingly. We kindly seek your support and approval to move forward with the planning of this educational adventure.

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