Free Legal Power of Attorney Form Template


Free Legal Power of Attorney Form Template

Legal Power of Attorney Form

Please complete this form to establish the authority and responsibilities of an appointed individual to act on your behalf in legal, financial, or medical matters.



      Phone number


          Legal Name

            Phone number

              This Power of Attorney becomes effective on:


              This Power of Attorney shall remain in effect:

              • Until revoked by the Principal

              • Until the following expiration date:

              The Principal grants the Attorney-in-Fact the authority to perform the following acts on the Principal's behalf (Check all that apply):

              • Financial Management: Access and manage bank accounts, pay bills, and manage investments.

              • Real Estate Transactions: Buy, sell, lease, and manage properties.

              • Business Operations: Make business decisions and sign contracts.

              • Legal Matters: Represent the Principal in legal proceedings, lawsuits, and other legal matters.

              • Tax Matters: File and sign tax returns, manage tax obligations, and handle IRS matters.

              • Health Care Decisions: Make medical decisions on behalf of the Principal if the Principal is unable to do so.

              This Power of Attorney may be revoked by the Principal at any time, provided the revocation is made in writing and delivered to the Attorney-in-Fact and any third party relying on this Power of Attorney.

              This Power of Attorney is governed by the laws of the State of

              By signing below, the Principal acknowledges that they fully understand the nature of this document and that they are granting the above powers to the Attorney-in-Fact voluntarily and without duress.

              Principal Attorney

              Date: Date:

              Power of Attorney Form Templates @