Free Dog Grooming Feedback Form Template


Free Dog Grooming Feedback Form Template

Dog Grooming Feedback Form

Please provide your feedback based on your most recent visit.

Your Information



      Phone number:

        Your Pet's Information

        Pet's Name:

          Pet's Breed:

            Pet's Age:

              Date of Grooming Service:

                Grooming Service Feedback

                How satisfied were you with the grooming service provided?

                  • Very Satisfied

                  • Satisfied

                  • Neutral

                  • Unsatisfied

                  • Very Unsatisfied

                  How would you rate the groomer’s professionalism and care for your dog?

                    • Excellent

                    • Good

                    • Average

                    • Poor

                    Was the grooming service completed in a timely manner?

                    How would you rate the cleanliness and overall environment of the grooming salon?

                      • Excellent

                      • Good

                      • Average

                      • Poor

                      Was the grooming service as you expected in terms of the outcome (style, cleanliness, etc.)?

                      If no, please explain:

                        Communication and Customer Service

                        How would you rate the communication with the staff during your visit?

                          • Excellent

                          • Good

                          • Average

                          • Poor

                          Were the grooming options and prices clearly explained to you before the service?

                          How likely are you to recommend our grooming services to others?

                            • Very Likely

                            • Likely

                            • Neutral

                            • Unlikely

                            Additional Comments

                            Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our services?

                              Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience?

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                                Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!

                                Your input helps us continue to improve our services for you and your furry friend!

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