Employee Evaluation Checklist

Employee Evaluation Checklist

Employee Information

  • Employee Name: Sarah Thompson

  • Position: Marketing Specialist

  • Department: Marketing

  • Evaluation Period: January 1, 2050 – June 30, 2050

  • Evaluator Name: [Your Name]

Performance Categories

Job Knowledge and Skills

  • Demonstrates a clear understanding of job responsibilities.

  • Possesses the necessary technical skills for the position.

  • Stay updated on industry trends and developments.

  • Completes work accurately and efficiently.

Quality of Work

  • Produces work that meets quality standards.

  • Displays attention to detail.

  • Adheres to project deadlines.

  • Takes pride in work and seeks to improve.

Communication Skills

  • Communicates effectively with peers and supervisors.

  • Listens actively and provides constructive feedback.

  • Prepares clear and concise reports or documentation.

  • Demonstrates professionalism in all communications.

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Works well with others in a team environment.

  • Supports team goals and objectives.

  • Contributes positively to team discussions.

  • Resolves conflict constructively.

Dependability and Reliability

  • Punctual and maintains good attendance.

  • Completes tasks without needing constant supervision.

  • Takes responsibility for own actions.

  • Follows through on commitments.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

  • Demonstrates effective problem-solving skills.

  • Makes sound decisions based on available information.

  • Identifies potential problems before they escalate.

  • Seeks input from others when making decisions.

Adaptability and Flexibility

  • Adjusts to changes in priorities or assignments.

  • Embraces new challenges and opportunities.

  • Maintains a positive attitude during change.

  • Learns new skills quickly when needed.

Professional Development

  • Takes initiative in pursuing professional growth.

  • Participates in training and development opportunities.

  • Sets and works towards personal career goals.

  • Seeks feedback for continuous improvement.

Overall Performance Rating

  • Outstanding

  • Exceeds Expectations

  • Meets Expectations

  • Needs Improvement

  • Unsatisfactory

Employee's Signature: Sarah Thompson

Evaluator's Signature: [Your Name]

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