Free Emergency Plan Template



Free Emergency Plan Template

Emergency Plan


This Emergency Plan is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to handling significant emergencies that may arise. It is developed to ensure safety, manage risks, and minimize damages and disruptions. This plan outlines roles, responsibilities, and the procedures to be followed during such events.


The purpose of this Emergency Plan is to ensure an effective response to emergencies by providing clear instructions and training for all personnel involved. The plan aims to minimize potential harm to individuals, property, and the environment.


This plan applies to all personnel, visitors, and activities occurring within the premises. It addresses different types of emergencies, including fires, hazardous materials spills, medical emergencies, and natural disasters.

Emergency Contacts


Phone Number

Fire Department

[Phone Number]

Police Department

[Phone Number]

Emergency Medical Services

[Phone Number]

Poison Control Center

[Phone Number]

Emergency Procedures

Fire Emergency

  1. Activate the nearest fire alarm.

  2. Evacuate the building using marked emergency exits.

  3. Do not use elevators.

  4. Once outside, proceed to the designated assembly area.

  5. Call the Fire Department at 911 and provide details.

Chemical Spill

  1. Alert individuals in the immediate area.

  2. Avoid contact with the spilled material.

  3. Evacuate the area and close all doors.

  4. Call emergency services and describe the chemical.

  5. Do not attempt to clean up the spill unless trained to do so.

Medical Emergency

  1. Call 911 and provide the nature and location of the emergency.

  2. Stay with the victim, providing first aid if trained.

  3. Keep the victim calm and comfortable until help arrives.

  4. Provide the paramedics with information upon arrival.

Natural Disaster

  • Earthquake: Drop, cover, and hold on. Evacuate after shaking stops.

  • Tornado: Move to an interior room on the lowest floor away from windows.

  • Flood: Move to higher ground immediately. Avoid walking or driving through floodwaters.

Roles and Responsibilities

During an emergency, specific personnel have designated responsibilities to ensure an effective response:

  • Emergency Coordinator: Oversees the implementation of the emergency plan and coordinates with external emergency services.

  • Floor Wardens: Lead evacuation efforts and ensure all individuals have vacated the premises.

  • First Aid Responders: Provide basic first aid until professional medical assistance arrives.

Training and Drills

Regular training and drills are conducted to ensure all personnel are familiar with emergency procedures. Participation in these activities is mandatory for all employees to ensure readiness during an actual emergency.

Review and Maintenance

This Emergency Plan will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed following any drills, actual emergencies, or changes in structure or occupancy. Ensuring the plan remains relevant and effective is a priority.

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