Free Rental Verification Affidavit Template



Free Rental Verification Affidavit Template


State of Miami
County of Detroit

I, [Your Name], being duly sworn, with this state the following:

  1. I am the landlord/property manager of the property located in Detroit, MI 48201.

  2. The tenant, Clint Renner, has been renting the property since January 1, 2020.

  3. The current monthly rent is $2,000.

  4. The lease is set to expire on December 31, 2054.

  5. The tenant has consistently paid their rent on time and has maintained the property in good condition. There have been no complaints regarding noise or disturbances from other tenants.

  6. Signature and Notarization

Signed on this day March 21, 2051, at Detroit, MI 48201.

[Your Name]

Notary Public:

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this March 21, 2051, by [Your Name], who proved to me based on satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.

Notary Public
My Commission Expires: __________

This affidavit is made to verify the rental history of Clint Renner.

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