Trainer CV Outline


Contact Information

Provide your contact details clearly at the top of your CV. Include your name, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile, and location. Ensure that your email address sounds professional.

Professional Summary

Compose a summary of 2-3 sentences that encapsulate your training expertise, key skills, and career objectives. Tailor this section to the specific role you are applying for, highlighting what makes you an ideal candidate.


Create a list of relevant skills that pertain to your role as a trainer. Consider including skills such as communication, leadership, coaching, and specific training methodologies. Be concise and focused on skills that are in demand in the industry.


Include any relevant certifications that enhance your qualifications as a trainer. For each certification, state the name, the certifying body, and the year you received it. Ensure that these certifications are up-to-date and relevant to the position you seek.

Professional Experience

Detail your professional experience in reverse chronological order. For each role, include your job title, the name of the company, location, and dates of employment. In this section, highlight your key responsibilities and achievements. Use action verbs to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

Example Format

Job Title: [Your Job Title]
Company Name: [Company Name]
Location: [Your Address]
Dates Employed: [Date]
List your key responsibilities and accomplishments.


Outline your educational background by providing your degree, major, the institution you attended, and your year of graduation. If you have additional relevant training or coursework, include it in this section as well.

Additional Sections (if applicable)

If relevant, add sections for languages, volunteer experience, professional affiliations, or projects. For languages, specify the language and your proficiency level. For volunteer experience, mention the organization and your role. For professional affiliations, list any relevant organizations you are a member of. If you have worked on significant projects, provide a brief description of each.


Indicate that references are available upon request. Ensure that you have at least three professional references prepared to provide when asked.

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