Free Blank Regular Church Meeting Minute Template

Blank Regular Church Meeting Minutes

Date: [                              ]
Time: [                              ]
Location: [                              ]


  • [                              ]

  • [                              ]

  • [                              ]

  • [                              ]


  • [                              ]

  • [                              ]

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by [Chairperson's Name] at [Time].

2. Opening Prayer

[Name] led the opening prayer.

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on [Insert Previous Meeting Date] were reviewed.
Motion to approve: [Name]
Seconded by: [Name]
Approved/Not Approved (Circle one)

4. Reports

A. Pastor's Report

Summary of the pastor's report

B. Treasurer's Report

Summary of the treasurer's report, including financials

C. Committee Reports

  • Worship Committee: [Summary]

  • Outreach Committee: [Summary]

  • Education Committee: [Summary]

5. Old Business

Details of any old business discussed

6. New Business

  • [New business item 1]

  • [New business item 2]

7. Announcements

Details of any announcements

8. Closing Prayer

[Name] led the closing prayer.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at [Time].

Next Meeting: [                              ]

Minutes submitted by: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]

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