Free General KRA Outline Template

General KRA Outline


A Key Result Area (KRA) Outline serves as a strategic tool to define objectives and measure performance within an organization. By clearly delineating responsibilities, goals, and evaluation metrics, this outline fosters accountability and aligns individual efforts with the broader mission of [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

I. Objective

The objective of this KRA Outline is to enhance employee performance by establishing clear goals that align with the strategic vision of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Each KRA will contribute to the overall success of the organization by focusing on critical areas of responsibility.

II. Key Result Areas

KRA Area


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)



Customer Satisfaction

Improve customer satisfaction ratings

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

January 1, 2050 - December 31, 2050

Customer Support Team

Operational Efficiency

Streamline operations to reduce costs

Cost Savings Percentage

January 1, 2050 - December 31, 2050

Operations Manager

Employee Development

Enhance employee skills through training

Number of Training Sessions Completed

January 1, 2050 - June 30, 2050

HR Department

Revenue Growth

Increase sales through new client acquisition

Quarterly Sales Growth Percentage

January 1, 2050 - December 31, 2050

Sales Team

Product Innovation

Develop and launch new products

Number of New Products Launched

January 1, 2050 - December 31, 2050

Product Development Team

III. Responsibilities

Each team member's responsibilities related to the KRAs will be clearly outlined to ensure accountability and performance tracking.

Team Member

KRA Area

Specific Responsibilities

Kitty Johns

Customer Satisfaction

Respond to customer inquiries and feedback

Adelia Harber

Operational Efficiency

Identify areas for cost reduction

Allene Tillman

Employee Development

Organize training sessions

Amelia Pagac

Revenue Growth

Pursue new client leads and follow-ups

Jasen Gaylord

Product Innovation

Collaborate on product design and testing

IV. Resources

To achieve the outlined KRAs, specific resources will be allocated, ensuring that each team member has what they need to succeed.

Resource Type


Estimated Budget

Allocation Date

Responsible Party

Training Programs

External workshops for employee skill enhancement


February 15, 2050

HR Department

Software Tools

Project management and CRM tools


March 1, 2050

IT Department

Marketing Materials

Brochures and online ads for new product launches


April 5, 2050

Marketing Team

Consulting Services

Expert advice on operational efficiency


May 20, 2050

Operations Manager

V. Conclusion

A well-structured KRA Outline empowers organizations like [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to focus on strategic priorities and enhance overall performance. By regularly reviewing and adjusting these KRAs based on feedback and results, the organization can ensure continuous improvement and alignment with its long-term goals.

For further inquiries or to discuss this KRA Outline, please contact me at [YOUR EMAIL].

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