Free Printable Financial Gift Letter Template



Free Printable Financial Gift Letter Template

Printable Financial Gift Letter


Recipient's Name:                               

Recipient's Address:                               

Amount of Gift: $                              

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I, [Your Name], confirm that I am gifting the amount of $[Amount] to [Recipient's Full Name] for [state the purpose, e.g., purchasing a home, paying for school tuition, etc.].

This gift is being made freely and without any expectation of repayment. The funds are being provided as a gift, and I have no legal or financial interest in the use of the funds after they are transferred. There is no loan or debt arrangement involved, and this is not a transaction intended to be repaid in the future.

The funds will be provided via [method of transfer: e.g., wire transfer, check, cash, etc.], and I will not expect reimbursement from [Recipient's Name] at any time.

Please feel free to contact me if any additional documentation or clarification is needed regarding this gift.


[Your Name]

[Your Email]

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