Free Clan Membership Application Form Template


Free Clan Membership Application Form Template

Clan Membership Application Form

Complete this form to apply for membership in [Your Company Name].

Personal Information


    Preferred In-Game Name (IGN)


        Phone Number


            Social Media/Communication ID (e.g., Discord, Skype)

              Game and Platform Details

              Primary Game(s) Played

                • Game 1

                • Game 2

                • Game 3

                Gaming Platform

                  • PC

                  • Console

                  • Mobile

                  Preferred Gaming Time

                    Experience and Skills

                    How long have you been gaming?

                    Years/Months of Experience

                      Previous Clan Affiliations (if any)

                        Primary Role in Gameplay (e.g., Support, DPS, Tank)

                          Gaming Skills or Achievements

                          Provide a Brief Description of Skills or Notable Achievements.

                            Interests and Motivation

                            Why do you want to join [Your Company Name]?

                            Provide a Brief Description.

                              What can you bring to the clan?

                              Describe skills, dedication, or unique attributes.

                                Are you comfortable participating in team events or competitions?


                                How often do you plan to participate in clan activities?

                                  • Daily

                                  • Weekly

                                  • Bi-Weekly

                                  • Occasionally

                                  Are you interested in taking on a leadership role within the clan?

                                  Additional Information

                                  Is there anything else we should know about you?

                                  Optional: Share any additional details about yourself or your gaming interests.

                                    By signing below, you agree to uphold the values, rules, and guidelines of [Your Company Name] and to respect all fellow members.

                                    Signature of Applicant



                                    Clan Leader/Recruiter Signature



                                    Application Form Templates @

                                    Preferred Contact ID